Recurring Guest Star role as fan favorite “Adeola” on Seasons 6 and 7 of:
“Orange is The New Black”
Now streaming on Netflix
SEE Press
Lead role in Multi-Award Winning Short Film w/ Molly Ringwald:
“Catherine and Michael”, 2023
winner of Best Comedy at McMinnville Short Film Festival, Best Comedy at the New York Short Film Festival, Audience Award at Chicago Reel Shorts
Lead Guest Star role on Season 4 of:
“FBI”, 2022
Now streaming on Paramount+
Lead Supporting Role as “Rachida” in multi-award winning film w/Rainn Wilson (97% on Rotten Tomatoes)
“Empire Waist”, 2024 (Now On Demand at Apple TV, Google Play, and Other Streaming+Cable Platforms)
Empire Waist Film website
Wayfarer Studios
Blue Fox Entertainment
Guest Star role as “Amy” in:
“Everything’s Trash”, 2022
ABC Freeform
Recurring role as “Nurse Sipiwe” alongside Bradley Cooper & Jake McDorman in:
“Limitless”, 2015
Featured alongside Dakota Johnson, Rebel Wilson, and Damon Wayans, Jr. in:
“How to be Single”, 2015
New Line Cinema
Co-starred in the Season 16 Finale as Officer Fox in:
“NBC’s Law & Order: SVU”, 2015
Co-starred as “Dembe’s Mother” in the “Mombasa Cartel” episode of:
“NBC’s The Blacklist”, 2014
Played the lead role of “Hawa” in:
“In Darfur”, 2014
WAM Theater, Lenox, MA - Dir. kristen van ginhoven
Reviews from “In Darfur”
“In a brilliant and exquisitely controlled performance, Moyo makes us part of the fear she feels..
In actor Sipiwe Moyo, this production has found an actor whose physical portrayal is even more powerful than her spoken one.”
"HawA (IS) exquisitely portrayed by Sipiwe Moyo, whose future career seems absolutely assured if this is an example of her work. From her first line…to her final brave march across the stage she is always the character she portrays.
We feel each and every pang of pain, every instant of fear, every memory of sadness that she expresses. She is a wonder to behold…Even Hawa’s final exit, a baby in her arms, leaves more questions than answers lingering on the slow fade of light that follows her.
This is extraordinary work from the actress.”
"In this remarkable ensemble, it’s unfair to pick out one performer. But it’s Moyo’s embodiment of Hawa – a modern Hecuba, broken but unyielding, standing majestic on the ashes of her homeland – that will sear your heart and follow you home."
Starred in her one woman live show:
“My Friend Nina”, 2015
Dixon Place, NYC - DIR. Jennifer McGrath
Dir. Daniel Patterson
"Pink Melon Joy" as "Bessie"
Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theatre festival, Dir. Katherine Brook
"Henry V" Henry V
The New Theatre - Miami, Florida Dir. Ronald Mangravite
"Metamorphoses" as Woman #3
Pittsburgh Public Theatre, Dir. Ted Pappas
"The Overwhelming" as Elise
The Contemporary American Theatre Festival, Dir. Ed Herendeen
"Anarchists Cookbook" as Dom
The Contemporary American Theatre Festival, Dir. Alec Duffy
"Prometheus Bound" Chorus (David Oyelowo’s American Theatre Debut as Prometheus)
Classic Stage Company, Dir. James Kerr
"An Iliad" as Hera
Classic Stage Company, Dir. Peter Meineck
"The Trojan Women" as Hawa